Pronoun Reference Agreement Lesson Plan

Pronoun reference agreement can be a challenging concept for students to grasp, but it is essential for clear and effective communication. As a professional, I have seen firsthand the importance of proper pronoun reference in written content. In this article, I will share a lesson plan for teaching pronoun reference agreement that will help students improve their understanding and application of this concept.

Lesson Plan Overview:

Subject: Pronoun reference agreement

Grade level: Middle school to high school

Time required: 1 hour

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify and correct errors in pronoun reference agreement.

Materials: Whiteboard, markers, handouts with examples of sentences, and answer key.


1. Introduce pronoun reference agreement by explaining that it is important to use pronouns correctly in writing to avoid confusion. Provide examples of sentences that contain errors in pronoun reference.

2. Ask students to work in pairs to identify the errors in the sentences and correct them. Review the corrected sentences together as a class.


3. Provide students with a handout that includes additional examples of sentences with errors in pronoun reference. Ask them to identify the errors and correct them independently.

4. Review the corrected sentences as a class, emphasizing the correct use of pronoun reference.


5. Explain to students that when using pronouns, it is crucial to ensure that the pronoun agrees in number and gender with the noun it is referring to.

6. Provide examples of sentences that illustrate the proper use of pronoun reference agreement. Ask students to identify the noun being referred to and the pronoun that agrees in number and gender.


7. Have students work in small groups to create sentences that include correct pronoun reference agreement.

8. Review the sentences created by each group, emphasizing the importance of using the correct pronoun to avoid ambiguity.


9. Provide students with a worksheet containing sentences with errors in pronoun reference. Ask them to correct the errors and explain why their corrections are correct.

10. Review the worksheet together as a class, emphasizing the importance of paying attention to pronoun reference agreement in writing.


Teaching pronoun reference agreement is essential for students to become effective communicators. By following this lesson plan, students will be able to identify and correct errors in pronoun reference agreement, ultimately improving their writing skills. Remember to emphasize the importance of using the correct pronoun to avoid ambiguity in writing.